You have many goals to meet– and communicating with your customers effectively is vital. In addition to exceeding all of your goals, we have another we work towards: giving our clients more for less. It's been part of our philosophy since we opened our doors and it's the reason why our clients always rest easy knowing their projects are in our hands.  From preproduction to post.... WE’LL DO IT ALL!





 Concept Creation







 3D Modeling & Animation

Motion Graphics & Special Effects

 Music Scoring and more!


 You come to us with a dream, so we want to make sure you are a part of the entire process. We secure  your approval every step of the way so there will  never be any surprises. The only shock in store for you is how we made your production look like a million dollar shoot!




We are a think tank. When a new product or service comes to us, the first thing we do is examine your competition to decide the best way to set you apart from the rest. After developing a multitude of ideas, we’ll present you with the most effective concepts to make your product a household name.

We are storytellers. After we’ve determined the best approach to marketing your product, the magic then begins. We’ll entertain your customers,  make sure it's memorable and brand your business.  No matter what you need, Think Reel Films will always deliver.

We are artists, and the video screen is our canvas.  Think Reel Films is a master of applying innovative camera work, lighting and special effects to showcase your product in the best possible way.  Through careful direction of every scene, you can be sure that you and your product will shine like never before.



We are action heroes. When  video alone can’t quite capture the essence of your product, think about adding animation. Think Reel Films offers full animation services to highlight important benefits in an interesting and dynamic way. The only way to create a want, is to create a need, and by focusing on benefits, we will do just that.


We are masters of the trade. From preproduction to post, nothing is left to chance. Our producers triple check every creative aspect to move your audience– from pencil to pixel, from understated to provocative– we breathe life into your vision.


We are master chefs on the cutting table. You want subtle, yet engaging. You want attention-seeking, but controlled. Think Reel Films understands that editing is the bridge between your voice and your customer. Consider our talent the turbo to your story.




Remember when Indiana Jones put those three stones next to each other and they glowed? Yeah, well that's basically what happened when our three executive members at Think Reel Films got together.  Put your product in our hands and you are sure to be impressed when we make it glow too.  We are not just seasoned professionals– we are visionaries. We literally scour the marketplace for the brightest talents with a portfolio to match. The result:  a small army of creatives and conceptualists ready to tell your story.


Now, let us introduce you to our three partners...



Instinctively, Edison knows what our clients need before they even tell us. Maybe it’s his many years in video production and animation. Or maybe he’s psychic. We’re not sure. But one thing we do know is that he has an unbelievable passion for what he does. Edison is the creative genius behind Think Reel Films. Give him a concept, and he’ll present some of the most intricate, eye-catching illustrations and animations you’ve ever seen.  When not moving images around the digital canvas or learning the newest computer programs, Edison can be found rock climbing or teaching his daughter Portuguese.


There is always one person in the group that is a natural “take charge” individual, and that person on our team is Anoli. Serious with a smile… and an infectious laugh. Yeah, that’s a good description of her.  She brings the people and the ideas together.  Not to mention she's an excellent producer, editor, camerawoman and conceptualist.   Anoli's the one making sure every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed at the end of each project.  And when she's not busy managing everything, you can find her on the slopes skiing with her husband and their three teenage boys. How she finds time to do it all still amazes us.


There are three words that every lumberjack loves to hear. Chop it down. Our Senior Editor at Think Reel Films gets just as excited. Aaron is a master story teller who knows exactly when, where and how to tell it.  That's how he got his nickname as the postman, 'cause this guy truly delivers. Plus, he is our go-to troubleshooter and tech support guru. If you meet him, you’ll want to steal him away, but sorry you can't -  because he’s all ours.  During his free time, Aaron can be found with his wife and two daughters cooking up a gourmet meal, taking a swim or enjoying a movie together.



© Copyright 2014  Think Reel Films

Phone: 973.551.REEL